Friday, July 22, 2011

Drink Your Water, Kids

This really happened is happening.

PS Internship at Sony is GGGGGGGRRRRRRRREAT!


Aaron Ludwig said...

I hear this is the closest a guy can get to knowing what it's like to have a baby.
So congratulations, Jeff.

Scott C. Gwynn said...

This does not sound fun.

Anthony Holden said...

Thanks for warning Sawyer last night. He will be well hydrated for sure now.

Get well soon!

Tyson Murphy said...

this is why I donated both my kidneys.
I forgot about your internship! Ryan told me that you got it, that's freeeaaaaaakkkkiiingggg awesommmmmmeeeeeeee

Dustin d'Arnault said...

Dude I love your little comic strips! The wrestling one is awesome sir, nice work.